Development of Electric Transport
The project “The development of electric transport – its effect on the security of the electrical energy system and forecasting energy demand in chosen 8 BASREC countries (Norway, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland)” aims to develop analysis and the set of recommendation considering implementation of obligations under the Directive 2014/94/EU for the aforementioned BASREC countries.
The project will examine the impact of development of electric road transport on the security of the power system and future electricity demand in BASREC countries and particularly it will comprise exchanging knowledge and experience between the eight countries which are rolling out and supporting electromobility.
The development of electromobility creates certain, specific requirements and possibilities to the power system, especially in the aspects of:
- ensuring an adequate level of electricity supply (increasing electricity demand deriving from the development of e-mobility),
- ensuring the appropriate development and condition of grid,
- e-mobility impacts on the stability of the system (demand side management, demand side response, a two-way flow of energy: esp. vehicle-to-grid),
- development of smart metering/grid.
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Photo credit: Cezary Maliszewski